There is a difference between futures and spot trading.
Opening a spot wallet position can either be with a limit order or a market order. These types of orders are the most common positions when opening a trade.
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Trading in a spot wallet includes that you own an x amount of coins. With futures trading people enter into a contract to buy or sell an asset at a specified price on a future date. This allows traders to speculate on the future price movements of an asset whiteout owning it.
The downside of trading in spot wallet
The downside of trading in derivatives (futures) is that if you open a position and you lose your money, you lose it for good. If you haven’t placed a stop loss in your position and you let the trade play out and it goes against you there might be a chance that the whole account will be liquidated. If you have a small account and you use a lot of leverage it means you can be stopped out of the position quicker.
If you trade forex your broker usually will warn you with an e-mail that your position can possibly be closed soon.
Your whole account can be liquidated if you have opened a position and used cross margin instead of isolated. Having your trade isolated means that you can only lose the amount you have set as your stop-loss.
When you trade cryptocurrency spot price you are trading its current market price and when you trade a futures contract you trade the futures price of a crypto.